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Full Width Diaphrams


The info on this page is about painting Coach Yard flexible 'Full Width Diaphragms' or kit bashing the CY FWD to replace the flexible material with latex, which can be painted more permanently.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Monster Maker latex paint must be allowed to dry out some and thicken before applying with a brush. Depending on temp and humidity, a 6ml pool of MM paint in an open 20ml glass Tamiya jar takes 48-60 hrs to shrink to 4ml and thicken enough to use. Brushing on many partially cured layers of the thin watery paint from the bottle will end up with the FWD latex curtain cracking and splitting, in time.

PDF on painting flexible FWDs:
Painting flexible FWDs
How-to-do video on replacing the flexible
CY FWD curtain material:
How to video